VW Passat repair

+ 1. Ekspluatatsiiya of the car
+ 2. Maintenance
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Power supply system
+ 6. Ignition system
+ 7. Coupling
- 8. Transmission
   - 8.1. Mechanical transmission
      8.1.1. General information
      8.1.2. Transmission removal
      8.1.3. Transmission installation
      8.1.4. Transmission dismantling
      8.1.5. Dismantling, check of a condition and assembly of primary shaft
      8.1.6. Secondary shaft
      8.1.7. Backing shaft
      8.1.8. Differential
      8.1.9. Gear shifting mechanism
      8.1.10. Installation axial люфта primary shaft
      8.1.11. Installation axial люфта secondary shaft
      8.1.12. Transmission assembly
      8.1.13. Mechanism of management of a transmission
      8.1.14. Adjustment of the mechanism of gear shifting
      8.1.15. Check of level of oil in a transmission
   + 8.2. Automatic transmission
   + 8.3. Distinctive features of transmission of cars with a full drive of Passat Syncro
+ 9. Drive of forward wheels
+ 10. Suspension brackets
+ 11. Steering
+ 12. Brake system
+ 13. Wheels and tires
+ 14. Systems of heating, ventilation and conditioning
+ 15. Electric equipment
+ 16. Body
+ 17. Electric circuits


Repair B3-B4/Passat B3-B4 Volkswagen Passat>> Transmission>> Mechanical transmission>> Transmission dismantling

Fig. 8.8. Basic elements of a transmission: 1–cover of gear wheels of the 5th transfer; 2–laying of a cover of gear wheels of the 5th transfer; 3–bolt М10; 4–plug; 5–a directing pin; 6–fork of inclusion of the 5th transfer; 7–the sliding coupling of the synchronizer of the 5th transfer; 8–nave of the synchronizer of the 5th transfer; 9–spring; 10-a blocking ring of the 5th transfer; 11-gear wheel of the 5th transfer; 12-needle bearing; 13-bolt М10; 14-plug; 15-a conducted gear wheel of the 5th transfer; 16-bolt; 17-sealing ring of round section; 18-the directing plug with a sealing ring; 19-drive flange; 20-spring lock ring; 21-plug cover; 22-coupling case; 23-gear shifting mechanism; 24-bolt; 25-a directing pin; 26-bolt; 27-spring lock ring; 28-drive flange; 29-bolt; 30-a directing pin; 31-plug cover

For dismantling of a transmission the special tool is used. Before dismantling of a transmission merge from it oil and carefully clear its external surface (fig. 8.8) .
Dismantling of a transmission carry out in the following order:
remove vyzhimny the bearing and the lever of switching off of coupling;
unscrew two bolts of fastening of the directing plug of the vyzhimny bearing and remove it;
unscrew bolts of fastening of a cover of gear wheels of the 5th transfer, uncover also cover laying a transmission case.
unscrew two bolts of fastening of a fork of inclusion of the 5th transfer.
take directing pin;
remove a fork of inclusion of the 5th transfer;
unscrew bolts of fastening of gear wheels of the 5th transfer;

Fig. 8.9. Transmission cases: 1 — a coupling case; 2 — a transmission case; 3 — a sealing ring of differential; 4 — the oil deflector; 5 — laying of a cover of gear wheels of the 5th transfer; 6 — a cover of gear wheels of the 5th transfer; 7 — a stopper of an opening of filling and check of level of oil; 8 — a magnet; 9 — an opening stopper for oil plum

Depending on type of replaced details it is necessary to execute adjustments.

fix shaft from a provorachivaniye, having included at the same time back and fifth transfer by moving of the sliding coupling of the synchronizer of the 5th transfer;
weaken and unscrew bolts of primary and secondary shaft;
disconnect back and 5th transfers, having shifted down the sliding coupling of the synchronizer of the fifth transfer;
before installation of a stripper of a gear wheel screw in a carving opening of an end face of primary shaft bolt М10х20 — it will protect a carving from damage;
stripper remove a gear wheel of the 5th transfer of primary shaft;
turn out a bolt and take two directing pins;
remove sealing rings and if it is necessary, replace them with the new;
remove a flange плоуоси. For this purpose arrange under a flange mount or a steel plate and serially wrap two 8 mm of a bolt in carving openings on the opposite sides of a flange under the screw until the flange does not leave a transmission. Put adjusting labels on the right and left flanges of a semi-axis;
remove from a shaft of a flange of a semi-axis a spring lock ring. For this purpose fix a shaft in a vice with sponges from a soft material and by means of a grip, remove old and establish new spring rings;

Fig. 8.10. An arrangement of bolts of fastening of a case of coupling to a transmission case

having unscrewed fastening screws, disconnect a transmission case from a coupling case (fig. 8.10) ;

Fig. 8.11. Arrangement of bolts of fastening of a shaft of the mechanism of gear shifting

remove the gear shifting mechanism. Before removal of a shaft of the mechanism of gear shifting move it to the provision of idling, unscrew two bolts of fastening and take a shaft from a transmission case (fig. 8.11) .
take directing pins from a transmission case;
turn out a stopper of an opening of filling and check of level of oil from a transmission;
take a magnet from a case nest;
remove from the party of an internal part of a case of coupling a speedometer drive;

Fig. 8.12. Arrangement of bolts of fastening of a support of a secondary shaft

weaken and unscrew bolts of fastening of a support of a secondary shaft (fig. 8.12) ;

Fig. 8.13. Arrangement of bolts of the holder of a shaft of inclusion of a backing: 1 — an external bolt; 2 — an internal bolt

weaken and unscrew bolts of the holder of a shaft of inclusion of a backing (fig. 8.13) . The special tool is necessary for performance of this work;
unscrew a bolt of fastening and remove a fork of inclusion of transfer of a backing and a returnable spring;
take a shaft of a gear wheel of a backing and an intermediate gear wheel and remove a backing gear wheel;
take from a case primary and secondary shaft and differential;
replace four epiploons, providing tightness of connection.