VW Passat repair

+ 1. Ekspluatatsiiya of the car
+ 2. Maintenance
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Power supply system
+ 6. Ignition system
+ 7. Coupling
+ 8. Transmission
+ 9. Drive of forward wheels
+ 10. Suspension brackets
+ 11. Steering
+ 12. Brake system
+ 13. Wheels and tires
+ 14. Systems of heating, ventilation and conditioning
+ 15. Electric equipment
+ 16. Body
- 17. Electric circuits
   Designations on electric circuits
   Points of connection with "weight"
   Points of connection with a positive pole (figures in circles)
   The designations used on electric circuits
   Schemes 1-10
   Schemes 11-20
   Schemes 21-30
   Schemes 31-40
   Schemes 41-50
   Schemes 51-60
   Schemes 61-66


Repair B3-B4/Passat B3-B4 Volkswagen Passat>> Electric circuits
Schemes 1-10
Cхема 1. System of power supply and system of start-up of the engine. All models till 1994.
Cхема 2. Fuel system. All models till 1994.
Cхема 3. Control system of the Digifant engine. All models till 1994.
Cхема 4. Control system of the Digifant engine (termination). All models till 1994.
Cхема 5. Combination of devices and sensors
Cхема 6. Combination of devices and sensors (continuation)
Cхема 7. Combination of devices and sensors (continuation).
Cхема 8. Combination of devices and sensors (termination)
Cхема 9. Illumination of registration plate and the lighting switch, heating snuffled a windscreen washer
Cхема 10. Illumination of salon

Schemes 11-20
Cхема 11. Headlights and dimensional lighting
Cхема 12. Indexes of turn and alarm system
Cхема 13. Indexes of turn and back lamps
Cхема 14. Fog lights and backing lamp
Cхема 15. Radiator and heater fans
Cхема 16. Heater of back glass and sound signal
Cхема 17. Washers and windscreen cleaners
Cхема 18. Windscreen washers. All models till 1994.
Cхема 19. Cleaner and washer of back glass
Cхема 20. Fog lights and backing lamp. Engine 2Е

Schemes 21-30
Cхема 21. Radiator and heater fans. Engine 2E
Cхема 22. Heater of back glass and sound signal
Cхема 23. System of the central blocking
Cхема 24. System of the central blocking (termination)
Cхема 25. A rear-view mirror with an electric drive
Cхема 26. System of ignition of TCI-H of carburetor engines and engines with system of injection of Mono-Jetronic. All models till 1994.
Cхема 27. System of injection of Mono-Jetronic fuel. All models till 1994.
Cхема 28. System of injection of Mono-Jetronic fuel (termination). All models till 1994.
Cхема 29. Control system of the KE-Motronic engine. All models till 1994.
Cхема 30. Control system of the KE-Motronic engine (continuation). All models till 1994.

Schemes 31-40
Cхема 31. Control system of the KE-Motronic engine (termination). All models till 1994.
Cхема 32. System of power supply and system of start-up of the engine. Engines PF, PB, RP and 2E
Cхема 33. Fuel system. PF and PB engines since August, 1989.
Cхема 34. System of injection of RP Mono-Jetronic.Dvigatel fuel since August, 1990.
Cхема 35. System of injection of Mono-Jetronic fuel (termination) a.dvigatel of RP since August, 1990.
Cхема 36. System of ignition and heating of an inlet collector. The RP engine since August, 1990.
Cхема 37. Control system of the Digifant.Двигатель 2E engine
Cхема 38. Control system of the Digifant engine (continuation).dvigatel 2E
Cхема 39. Control system of the Digifant engine (termination).dvigatel 2E
Cхема 40. A control system of the Digifant.Двигатель 2Е engine since 1994.

Schemes 41-50
Cхема 41. A control system of the Digifant engine (continuation) a.dvigatel 2Е since 1994.
Cхема 42. A control system of the Digifant engine (termination) a.dvigatel 2Е since 1994.
Cхема 43. Multipurpose indicator, sensor of a speedometer and sensor of pressure of oil. The engine 2Е since 1994.
Cхема 44. A control system of the model Simos.Все engine since 1994.
Cхема 45. A control system of the Simos engine (continuation).Все models since 1994.
Cхема 46. A control system of the Simos engine (continuation).Все models since 1994.
Cхема 47. A control system of the Simos engine (termination).Все models since 1994.
Cхема 48. System of power supply and system of start-up of the engine. AAM engines and ABS c1994 of.
Cхема 49. A control system of the AAM and ABS Mono-Motronic.Dvigateli engine since 1994.
Cхема 50. A control system of the Mono-Motronic engine (termination).dvigatel of AAM and ABS since 1994.

Schemes 51-60
Cхема 51. System of power supply and system of start-up of the engine. The ADZ engine since 1994.
Cхема 52. A control system of the ADZ Mono-Motronic.Dvigatel engine since 1994.
Cхема 53. A control system of the Mono-Motronic engine (termination) a.dvigatel of ADZ since 1994.
Cхема 54. System of injection of the diesel engine of 1Z.С 1994 g.
Cхема 55. System of injection of the diesel engine 1Z (continuation).С 1994.
Cхема 56. System of injection of the diesel engine 1Z (continuation).С 1994.
Cхема 57. System of injection of the diesel engine 1Z (termination).С 1994.
Cхема 58. System of power supply and system of start-up of the diesel AFN engine
Cхема 59. Control system of the diesel AFN engine
Cхема 60. Control system of the diesel AFN engine (continuation)

Schemes 60-66
Cхема 61. Control system of the diesel AFN engine (continuation)
Cхема 62. Control system of the diesel AFN engine (continuation)
Cхема 63. Control system of the diesel AFN engine (termination)
Cхема 64. System of power supply and system of start-up of the engine. KR engine
Cхема 65. Ignition system. KR engine
Cхема 66. Fuel system. KR engine