VW Passat repair

+ 1. Ekspluatatsiiya of the car
+ 2. Maintenance
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Power supply system
+ 6. Ignition system
+ 7. Coupling
+ 8. Transmission
+ 9. Drive of forward wheels
+ 10. Suspension brackets
- 11. Steering
   11.1. General information
   11.2. Steering wheel
   + 11.3. Steering column
   11.4. Regulator of provision of height of a steering column
   + 11.5. Replacement of protective covers of steering transfer
   + 11.6. Steering transfer
   11.7. Adjustment of position of steering drafts
   11.8. Replacement of steering drafts
   11.9. Replacement of tips of steering drafts
   + 11.10. Adjustment люфта steering transfer
   11.11. Replacement of liquid of the hydraulic amplifier of a steering
   + 11.12. Pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering
   11.13. Adjustment of a tension of belts of drives of auxiliary units
+ 12. Brake system
+ 13. Wheels and tires
+ 14. Systems of heating, ventilation and conditioning
+ 15. Electric equipment
+ 16. Body
+ 17. Electric circuits

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Repair B3-B4/Passat B3-B4 Volkswagen Passat>> Steering>> Regulator of provision of height of a steering column
The bolt of fastening of a control lever has the left carving.

Fig. 11.10. Regulator of provision of a steering column: 1–arm; 2–a bolt with a cut-off head; 3–tightening plug; 4–fixing plate; 5–podrulevy switches; 6–top steering shaft; 7–control lever; 8–case of a steering column; 9–spring

The mechanism of a regulator of provision of a steering column can be removed (fig. 11.10) from a column, having turned on and having lowered a steering column.
At installation of a regulator of provision of a steering column it is necessary to consider the next moments:
– it is necessary to put greasing on surfaces of sliding of a regulator of provision of a steering column;
– at installation of a bolt of a control lever, tighten a bolt the demanded moment;
– a safety plate establish after a bolt tightening;
– be convinced that returnable springs are reliably connected to an arm.